Find the stl/obj file you like, for example with the help of the search engine
Send this file to Pikkujuttuja3d's email ( as an attachment or Drive link.
Write important information about the model in the email: size, how many pieces you want and full contact information with phone number.
If you accept it, you agree to the Terms of Use
Let's get going!
When the model is ready, we will send you pictures of the model.
If you agree with the outcome, we'll post the template and provide a tracking code.
You will receive an invoice sent by Sinuntaipaleesi- accounting service with a payment period of 14 days. If you don't receive an invoice in a couple of days, you should check your spam!
The customer is responsible for the origin and rights of the stl/obj-file.
Pikkujuttuja3D does not buy the files for the customer or save the stl/obj-files provided by the customer for later use.